Additional Documentation

Writing your own test cases

Test cases are specified using a YAML file. An example YAML configuration that comes with the docker image is in archermind.test.yml.

device: Android
    - home: None
    - push:
        file: data/{{filename}}
        dest: /sdcard/{{filename}}
    - play_video:
        file: /sdcard/{{filename}}
    - sleep: 2
    - screencheck:
        count: 5
        structural_similarity: 0.8
    - kill: None

The following test comprises of steps specified by the steps parameter.

  • home: Make the device go to the home screen
  • push: Pushes a file to deston the phone
  • play_video: Plays a video specified by file
  • sleep: Sleep for some time to let the device play the video
  • screencheck: Use computer vision to check if the video is playing or not. Check at least as many time as specified by count. Check using the structural_similarity measure.
  • kill: Kill the video player

The test's main part is the screencheck module. Our test module knows how a video should play. It takes a screencapture of the phone and tests for similarity with the original known image which was used to generate the video.

In the future, we will support arbitrary generation of video that can be used with the screencheck function.

Also see for another test. This test is analogous to ArcherMind's video test suite.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""